Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kid's Recipe for Deviled EGGS - an Easter Treat

Deviled Eggs - Kid's Easter Recipe

We are just beginning to enjoy some of the first tastes of spring. I packed a picnic lunch for my children a few days ago and headed off to our local botanical gardens. Watching my little ones delight in the colors, sights and scents of mother nature in bloom was such a treat.

Deviled Eggs - fine picnic fare; a recipe simple enough for a toddler to follow; the pièce de résistance at the Easter Brunch Table.

If you are in search of a classic deviled egg recipe, or looking to try some new flavors, you must check out, they have some great inspirations. Though the ingredients are traditional, our recipe measurements this week are "as the child adds them". My chef has such fun being in full command of the dish; and they turned out deliciously devilish.

6 Hard Boiled Eggs
2 Heaping Table Spoon of Mayonnaise
1 Good Squeeze of Mustard
A quick shake of salt
A long shake of pepper
1 Cap full of Vinegar
1 Cucumber
Some carrot and shredded lettuce for garnish

Our young chef begins by peeling her half dozen boiled eggs.

The eggs are cut length wise and the yolks are removed and placed in a small mixing bowl.

Our chef adds two heaping table spoons of mayonnaise (~ 1/4 cup) to the yolks in the bowl.

A healthy squeeze of classic yellow mustard is then added (~2 tsp.)

Our chef then adds 1 tsp vinegar to the mixture.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

The ingredients should be well combined until creamy in texture.

Using a pastry bag, our little chef then pipes the mixture back into the egg halves.

A melon baller is used to scoop half rounds are cut from a cucumber.

A small carrot wedge is placed on the narrow side of the egg, allowing it to extend slightly over the edge. This will become our deviled duck's beak. Recipe for Kids - Deviled Eggs Our chef then centers the rounded cucumber between the carrot and yolk mixture, giving our duck a stately and yet peaceful appearance. Shredded lettuce is used for a garnish.

We hope your kids have as much fun with this whimsical creation we did. If you have any great kid's recipes for spring, Easter or Pass Over, we'd love to hear you at The Chef's Emporium wishes you and your children a very happy spring!

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